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This Month Could Change Everything for You! Big Opportunities, Capricorn Tarot Reading & Astrology 3 месяца назад

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This Month Could Change Everything for You! Big Opportunities, Capricorn Tarot Reading & Astrology

September 2024 is a game-changing month for you, especially in your career and financial life. With Venus moving through your 10th house of career until September 23rd, you're set to experience some major shifts that could open the door to incredible opportunities. As Venus transitions into Scorpio, activating your 11th house of personal gains, the last week of the month promises unexpected rewards, whether through networking, a surprise payout, or the culmination of a project you’ve been working on. In this video, we explore the astrology and tarot insights that will help you navigate these powerful energies. Get ready to take charge, make strategic decisions, and set the stage for long-term success. This month could truly transform your life—don’t miss out! 📖 ✒️ WRITE YOUR BOOK: ➡️ Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @stellawilde   ☀️ GET A PERSONAL READING: https://bookanappointmentwithstellawi... ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE: 🛍️ STELLA WILDE SHOP: 💌 MUSELETTER MAILING LIST: 🪐 SATURN RETROGRADE VIDEO:    • All Signs - Saturn Retrograde in Pisc...   Stella Wilde is a cosmic pathfinder, intuitive advisor, and manifestation mentor bringing you the inspiration and information you need to manifest your wildest dreams. She channels insightful, soul-stirring straight talk focusing on tarot, astrology, manifestation, dreams, and personal empowerment. Thank you for watching, subscribing, sharing, commenting, and liking! I do what I do because of you. xo, Stella DISCLAIMER: All information provided on this channel is for entertainment purposes only; no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. Readings are NOT predictions. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. AFFILIATE LINKS: This YouTube channel may, on occasion, feature affiliate links from companies whose products and/or services I recommend and from which I would receive a small commission (at no cost to you) should you decide to purchase from my affiliate link. Stella Wilde is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for supporting my channel! #capricorntarot #moneyandcareer #capricornhoroscope #capricorn #tarotreading #stellawildetarot
