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Easy Chinese Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe!

Hankering for a Chinese takeaway but want to keep it healthy? If so, this super easy Chinese sweet and sour chicken dish is for you. Jeremy’s recipe for homemade recipe promises crispy chicken with a sweet and sour sauce full of tang, sweetness and plenty of non-gloopy freshness. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you can be alerted when we upload a new video or #wokwednesdays #recipe. The Ingredients 300g chicken thighs / belly pork / pork shoulder steaks 1 egg 1 large bowl seasoned corn flour The Marinade Salt to taste Pepper to taste Sesame oil ½ teaspoon sugar Light Soy sauce The Sauce 4 tablespoons tomato ketchup 4 tablespoons vinegar 4 tablespoons sugar Dark soy sauce Optional Vegetables 1 onion 1 tin of pineapple or 200g fresh pineapple 1 green pepper To find the recipe for this dish, click the link below! - How to Cook an Easy #chinese Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe - Discover Asian and Oriental cuisine in our 5-day cooking course, mastering techniques, exploring recipes, and gaining cultural insights with expert chefs! - Become a wokstar, join one of our classes! - Book one of our online classes today: Visit our shop for woks, cleavers, cookbooks & more! - UK : USA : Find other recipes here! - Find us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Got a question or inquiry? E-mail us at: [email protected] Song: Raindrops by Huma-Huma
