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The Plot To Kill The Medici: The Pazzi Conspiracy… 1 год назад

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The Plot To Kill The Medici: The Pazzi Conspiracy…

15th century Florence was the epitome of a Renaissance city and home to some of the greatest philosophers, inventors and artists that have ever lived. A place full of new ideas, free thinking and beauty and also home to two families with tremendous wealth and power, the Pazzi’s and the Medici’s. On Easter Sunday 26th April 1478, a group of conspirators from the Pazzi family decided it would really like to destroy the Medici family and would start by murdering its two leaders Giuliano and Lorenzo. Of all the places for this vicious attack to take place it was the beautiful Florentine Cathedral during High Mass that was chosen and what followed was a bloodbath. Welcome to Medieval Madness. 0:00 Introduction 0:58 City States 2:05 The Medici 3:28 The Conspiracy 5:00 The Pope 7:15 The Hit 8:13 The Aftermath 🎶🎶 Music by CO.AG:    / @co.agmusic   Narrated by James Wade Written by Lisa E Rawcliffe Edited by James Wade & Adam Longster Thank you for watching. DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at [email protected] Copyright © 2022 Top5s All rights reserved. In this video, we've compiled information from a variety of sources, including documentaries, books, and websites, all with the aim of providing an engaging viewing experience. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we acknowledge that there may be variations in the authenticity of the content. We encourage viewers to delve deeper and conduct their own research to corroborate the information presented.
