У нас вы можете посмотреть бесплатно 吸引力法則爲什麽對你沒有效?人生需要智慧並不是盲目努力就行!解析雷點讓你成爲顯化大師! Why does the law of attraction not work for you? или скачать в максимальном доступном качестве, которое было загружено на ютуб. Для скачивания выберите вариант из формы ниже:
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吸引力法則爲什麽對你沒有效?人生需要智慧並不是盲目努力就行!解析雷點讓你成爲顯化大師! Why does the law of attraction not work for you? 欢迎关注或联络, You can follow or contact: FB : / hereicomecha. . Insta : https://www.instagram.com/jane_twqq/?... Email : [email protected] 【本视频内容】 吸引力法則不僅是哲學,而是可以讓我們運用在日常生活裏的真實顯化道具。可以讓你心想事成的道具何樂不爲?想得到人生的豐盛也做了無數的嘗試但老是對你沒有效?這視頻原因都告訴你了,關鍵在你自己,去做好功課吧! 這視頻通過一一解析吸引力法則以下基礎步驟:人經常踩到的雷點 步驟1:觀想:想象你想要的 步驟2:感受你已經擁有它 步驟3:相信并且等待 【Content of this video】 The law of attraction is not only a philosophy, but a real manifestation that allows us to use in our daily lives. Why not take it as a prop that can make your dream come true? You must have tried countless attempts to get the abundance of life, but it is always ineffective for you? This video tells you all the reason, the key is actually on yourself! This video uses the following basic steps to analyze the Law of Attraction one by one: the mistakes that people often step on Step 1: Visualize: imagine what you want Step 2: Feel that you already have it Step 3: Believe and wait 我的其他视频 My creations in this channel 我的灵性觉醒经历 How I been through spiritual awakening. I almost visit a psychiatrist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p1rM... 生命的源头 | 灵魂来自哪里 | 外星人是真的?Soul's Origin | Where do Souls come from | Are Aliens real? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDZFs... 靈性覺醒9大徵兆前兆|你符合了幾項?9 main signs of spiritual awakening|Which signs did you meet? • 靈性覺醒9大徵兆前兆|你符合了幾項?9 main signs of spi... 吸引力法則是真的假的?5分鐘内可懂其原理去顯化你的願望!Law of Attraction: Is it real? This clip make you understand within 5min • 吸引力法則是真的假的?5分鐘内可懂其原理去顯化你的願望!Law of At... #靈性覺醒#靈性#覺醒#覺醒經歷#灵性觉醒#灵性#觉醒#觉醒经历#吸引力法則#顯化法則#顯化#吸引力法则Spiritualawakening#spiritual#awakening#signsofspiritualawakening