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Скачать с ютуб [BOSS TONE CENTRAL] ME-80 played by Tom Searle of Architects в хорошем качестве

[BOSS TONE CENTRAL] ME-80 played by Tom Searle of Architects 9 лет назад

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[BOSS TONE CENTRAL] ME-80 played by Tom Searle of Architects

Please note that the BOSS ME-80 is now discontinued and replaced by the BOSS ME-90 Multi-Effects Processor. The ME-90 features a number of sound, feature, and function upgrades including AIRD technology. Check out the BOSS ME-90 here: 8 diverse patches from the creative mind of Tom Searle of Architects. This live set contains patches suitable for the choppy and complex riffs Tom is known for through to washy and atmospheric clean tones inspired by album tracks. BOSS TONE CENTRAL is a library service offering additional contents for BOSS products. By simply launching the dedicated BOSS TONE STUDIO application and connecting to the internet, you can download any of the free contents from our growing collection.
