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Don't Buy a 3D Scanner for 3D Printing

In this video, I try out the 3DMakerPro Mole Scanner to see if I can actually 3D Print the things I 3D Scan. Brought to you by Sovol: Save 20% OFF the 3DMakerPro Mole Scanner Using Coupon Code "TNL3D20" at This video is kind of a disaster. I started out by trying to see if I can use the 3DMakerPro Mole 3D Scanner to repair things around the house... the ultimate functional 3d prints. But things got a little hairy due to a damaged AMS motor on my Bambu Lab P1S (probably my fault, not Bambu Lab). However, since you guys have complimented me in the past on showing the failures as well as the successes, I decided to upload the video anyways. And fortunately, I DID have some massive successes towards the end of the video, and was genuinely impressed with the 3DMakerPro 3D Scanner. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it. 💬 JOIN MY DISCORD: 🎁 EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON PATREON:   / thenextlayer   🎥 IN THIS VIDEO: 🎥 00:00 Introduction 00:49 Baby Stroller Clasp 07:03 Full Color Statue Scanning 12:37 Bottle Cap Scanning 13:27 Full Color Statue Printing 18:20 Bottle Cap Results 19:47 Conclusions 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE 🔗 👉 Sovol Filament: 👉 3DMakerPro: 👉 Bambu Lab: (supports 3D Print General, who’s channel was deleted) 👉 ATTBLIME 3D scanning sublimation spray: 👉 Support Printed Obsession:   / printedobsession   👉 My previous video where I tested out the CR-Scan Lizard:    • Which 3D Scanner is Best for 3D Print...   🛒 RECOMMENDED GEAR: 🛒 📍 Complete list of 3D Printing accessories: 📍 Complete list of my videography gear: 📍 My favorite 3D printing filament: 📍 My favorite 3D printer right now: 📍 My favorite BUDGET 3D printer right now: 📍 Check out the official TNL merch: 📍 PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL BY SHOPPING USING MY LINKS! FULL LIST CAN BE FOUND AT: ❤️ LOVED THIS VIDEO? ❤️ ▶️ Subscribe to the channel ▶️ Watch my other videos:    / @thenextlayer   🔔 Turn on Notifications 🎁 Support me on Patreon:   / thenextlayer   🎁 Send a “Super Thanks” (Tip) 🛒 Use my affiliate links for your 3D printing or videography needs: 💬 Join My Discord: ✍️ Write a comment below! 👍🏿 Like this video #3dprinting #3dprinted #3dscanning
