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Скачать с ютуб Next Time Mr. Fox - Bestias (feat. Alex from Malevolence) (Official Music Video) в хорошем качестве

Next Time Mr. Fox - Bestias (feat. Alex from Malevolence) (Official Music Video) 3 года назад

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Next Time Mr. Fox - Bestias (feat. Alex from Malevolence) (Official Music Video)

Spaceuntravel on Spotify: Spaceuntravel on Instagram:   / spaceuntravelmusic   Spaceuntravel on Facebook:   / spaceuntravel   Turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Next Time Mr. Fox: Music video by Next Time Mr. Fox performing BESTIAS. Follow Next Time Mr. Fox: Facebook:   / nexttimemrfox   Instagram:   / nexttimemrf.  . Spotify: Twitter:   / ntmf_band   TikTok:   / nexttimemrfoxband   Twitch:   / nexttimemrfoxband   ━━━ Directed by Matteo Ermeti Record: 11.27 Studio Mix /Master: Wavemotion Recordings Management: Superbia Music ━━━━━━━━━ Lyrics: What the hell have you all become? Bigots and idiots roaming the streets Rebels against an enemy unseen Their heads are chained down to the ground Blind and deaf to what comes around Would You explain what goes on in your minds When you obsess over things that mean the less Like biting the hand that feeds you Instead of the knee that chokes you What the hell have you become? Day by day You dissipate your very own humanity Its ashes cover the road Mixing with blood From the veins of the righteous How does it feel to wallow in hypocrisy? Taking a stand just for yourself Feeling caged in your own nest Eyes wide shut while the world is watching Eyes wide shut while the world is crying I'm on the edge of the knife Never turning back Full speed ahead Never coming off track No hands out So I gotta break the mould Roll the dice, motherfucker Take it all I will remain free You won't get the best of me Mlvltd I will remain free You won't get the best of me You clasp your hands in prayer For no one to listen Permanently looking for anything That just looks different I wish you had my eyes So that you could be witness To this What the hell have you all become? Bigots and idiots roaming the streets Rebels against an enemy unseen Their heads are chained down to the ground Blind and deaf to what comes around Would You explain what goes on in your minds When you obsess over things that mean the less Like biting the hand that feeds you Instead of the knee that chokes you What the hell have you become? Day by day You dissipate your very own humanity Its ashes cover the road Mixing with blood From the veins of the righteous How does it feel to wallow in hypocrisy? Taking a stand just for yourself Feeling caged in your own nest Eyes wide shut while the world is watching Eyes wide shut while the world is crying I'm on the edge of the knife Never turning back Full speed ahead Never coming off track No hands out So I gotta break the mould Roll the dice, motherfucker Take it all I will remain free You won't get the best of me Mlvltd I will remain free You won't get the best of me You clasp your hands in prayer For no one to listen Permanently looking for anything That just looks different I wish you had my eyes So that you could be witness To this -
