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Скачать с ютуб Golden State Warriors break Chicago Bulls record of 72 wins в хорошем качестве

Golden State Warriors break Chicago Bulls record of 72 wins 8 лет назад

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Golden State Warriors break Chicago Bulls record of 72 wins

Golden State Warriors break the Chicago Bulls record of 72 wins defeating Memphis. Golden State Warriors All-Star guard Klay Thompson hopes to celebrate win No. 73 of the season on Wednesday night, just without going too far. Thompson was asked if the Warriors would celebrate with champagne if they were to beat the Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday night and eclipse the NBA single-season wins record set by the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls. "Absolutely not," Thompson said. "You've got to save that till June, man. I mean, you might have a glass of wine after the game, but that's about it I got to pinch myself when I think about it every time. Possibly 73 [wins], it's unbelievable. ... It'd be a special feat. We've got to embrace it tonight. You might not ever see this opportunity ever again." The Warriors said they've handed out more than 350 media credentials for Wednesday night's game against the Grizzlies.
