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Over 60 and Starting a YouTube Channel – Why Now? 3 месяца назад

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Over 60 and Starting a YouTube Channel – Why Now?

Welcome to my channel! In my very first video, I share my journey of starting a YouTube channel at the ripe old age of 62. You might be wondering, “Why now?” Well, it’s never too late to pursue your passions and potentially connect with a global audience. Join me as I discuss the motivations, and challenges that come with being a content creator later in life. Please leave a comment as I hope to get to know those of you who follow me. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together! #Over60YouTube #SeniorContentCreator #NeverTooLate A special thank you to all of the YouTube creators that gave me permission to use their clips in my first video. I've watched a lot of their content and all of them helped me in my decision to start this new channel from scratch. Here's a link to their channels:    / @steven-thompson      / @robthemaritimer      / @desbarr-thedesignbar-d8s      / @bobsutopia      / @iz-sixtyandbeyond      / @alexasaarenoja      / @daphna  . Camera I used for this video: The Dji Pocket 3 Creator Combo As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
