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Скачать с ютуб Donington Park Testing, Crashes & Pure Sound, (Superkart, BEC & BTCC Super Touring Cars), 28/3/24 в хорошем качестве

Donington Park Testing, Crashes & Pure Sound, (Superkart, BEC & BTCC Super Touring Cars), 28/3/24 3 дня назад

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Donington Park Testing, Crashes & Pure Sound, (Superkart, BEC & BTCC Super Touring Cars), 28/3/24

Sideways Superkart action in the wet, Jimmy Broadbent appears in the incredibly fast yet incredibly fragile MX5 'Minty', Britcar/BEC enduro machines and a handful of BTCC S2000 and Super Touring Cars testing a day before the Donington round that saw the few actually entered all get written off! This one never got released way back in March due to a lot of things in life all carving time and the mental willpower to do anything out of video production time unfortunately. Follow these links to keep up to date with future videos and pictures: Facebook:   / pescaraproductions   Instagram:   / phil_lee633   Subscribe:   / @pescaraproductions   Merchandise: #motorsport #btcc #superkart #doningtonpark #mazda #puresound #barc #britcar #BEC #jimmybroadbent #supertouringcar #mx5 #mazdamx5 #timeattack #mazdamiata #f1 #classicthunder #ctcrc #cadillac #ferrari #acura #groupc #lemans #wec #imsa #Masters #mastershistoricracing #formula1 #porsche #jaguar #gt3 #touringcar #crashes #blytonpark #compilation #britishautograssseries #nascar #blytonpark #750mc #castlecombe #mallorypark #brandshatch #silverstone #racing #crash #autograss #brscc #fail #rallycross #williams
