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Скачать с ютуб 躁狂症有哪些表现 张庆娥 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院 в хорошем качестве

躁狂症有哪些表现 张庆娥 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院 4 года назад

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躁狂症有哪些表现 张庆娥 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院

躁狂症有哪些表现 张庆娥 首都医科大学附属北京安定医院 躁狂的病人其实主要就要三大类的表现:第一:情感高涨,就是病人会整天表现兴高采烈、眉飞色舞、侃侃而谈,这种情感高涨不同于比如涨工资了、考试考得特别好这种正性的生活事件刺激下出现的正常情绪反应,那么这种意态的情感高涨往往对病人的生活有很大影响;第二:思维活动增多,病人会表现为思维奔逸、口若悬河,嘴巴跟不上自己的思维;第三:意志行为增多,整天停不下来,但是做事虎头蛇尾。 What are the manifestations of mania In fact, manic patients need three main types of performance: first, high emotion, That is, the patients will be happy, smiling and talking all day long, This kind of emotional upsurge is different from the normal emotional response to the stimulation of positive life events, such as a rise in wages and a very good test, So the emotional upsurge of this will often have a great impact on the life of patients; Second, more thinking activities, The patient will express himself as a free thinking and eloquent person, The mouth can't keep up with its own thinking; Third, will behavior increases, I can't stop all day, But it's hard to do things.
