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The Sustainable City: Learning from Curitiba 8 лет назад

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The Sustainable City: Learning from Curitiba

The Sustainable City: Learning from Curitiba February 6, 2013 As mayor of Curitiba, Brazil, Jaime Lerner transformed the city by devising creative and flexible approaches to urban problems. He will offer his views on the key urban issues of our times, the role of cities as refuges, and ways to enhance design in structuring urban growth. Lerner argues that mobility, sustainability, and identity are key areas for intervention, and “Urban Acupuncture” is a recommended strategy. Jaime Lerner Former Mayor of Curitiba; former Governor of Parana State, Brazil Sign up to our mailing list to stay informed of upcoming NYU Abu Dhabi Institute events: To view our past events and videos, click here: Follow NYU Abu Dhabi Institute on social media: Facebook:   / 167869253250085   Twitter:   / nyuadinstitute   Instagram:   / nyuadinstitute   Follow NYU Abu Dhabi on social media: Visit our website: Facebook:   / nyuad   Twitter:   / nyuabudhabi   Instagram:   / nyuabudhabi  
