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115. Unhurried Transformation (with Gem Fadling) 1 год назад

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115. Unhurried Transformation (with Gem Fadling)

At times we can feel overwhelmed by the events of our daily lives, even if they are good things. A state of overwhelm can cause a racing heartbeat, clenched fists, a lack of peace, and overthinking. Gem Fadling wants to help people overcome the hurry in their lives that causes rapid thoughts and an overall state of unhealthiness. Join Gem on this episode of God Hears Her, as she talks with hosts Elisa Morgan and Eryn Eddy about her own practices that lead to a healthier thought life. About Our Guest: Gem Fadling, CLC, is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, Inc., a non-profit that trains people to rest deeper, live fuller, and lead better. She is a certified life coach and a trained spiritual director who coaches women at the intersection of spiritual leadership and soul care. Gem is the host of the I Can Do That! Podcast as well as the co-author of What Does Your Soul Love? Eight Questions That Reveal God's Work in You, and author of Hold That Thought: Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads. Notes and Quotes: “Busy is one thing. . . but hurried is the soul. Is it possible to be busy but unhurried?” —Gem Fadling “There is peace in unhurried living.” —Elisa Morgan “I wondered if worry and hurry was my thorn in my flesh?” —Gem Fadling “I think a lot of times in life we think we have to produce the fruit. . . but He will make the fruit happen!” —Gem Fadling “Our brains are busy, our hearts are fluttering. . . but God’s grace will meet us where we’re at.” —Gem Fadling “You are not your thoughts, you are more than your thoughts.” —Gem Fadling “Notice, discern, and respond.” —Gem Fadling Verses: John 15:5 Romans 12:2 2 Peter 1:3 Philippians 1:6 Links: Unhurried Living Inc website: Unhurried Living blog: ‘Hold That Thought’ book by Gem Fadling: God Hears Her website: God Hears Her newsletter sign-up: Subscribe on iTunes! Elisa’s Instagram: elisa morgan author Eryn’s Instagram: eryneddy MB01GNPZWKDEPHY
