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10 Menit Jadi! Resep Tempe Katsu: Pengganti Chicken Katsu Yang Lebih Murah.

**English description is at the bottom section.** Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off 00:00 : intro 01:14 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) 03:53 : mulai buat adonan katsu (making the Katsu batter) 05:45 : mulai buat saus asam pedas (making the Spicy and Sour sauce) 07:08 : mulai menggoreng tempe katsu (frying the Tempeh Katsu) 09:57 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve) =================== [INDONESIAN] Chicken Katsu merupakan menu populer bukan hanya di Jepang, tapi di seluruh dunia. Kali ini aku mengganti bahan utamanya yang dari ayam, menjadi tempe. Jauh lebih ekonomis dan tetap cocok untuk lidah orang Indonesia. Lapisan luarnya yang renyah dan gurih dipadukan dengan saus asam pedas yang lezat (boleh juga pakai saus Tonkatsu). Resep Salmon Teriyaki: n   • Sehat Praktis: Resep Salmon Teriyaki ...   Resep Tempe Katsu Saus Asam Pedas Bahan tepung basah: 1 butir telur 2 siung bawang putih 3 sdm santan 4-5 sdm tepung terigu Merica, garam, gula, kaldu / penyedap sesuai selera Bahan saus asam pedas: 2 sdm margarin / olive oil 2 sdm saus barbeque / tomat 1 sdm minyak wijen 2 sdm saus tiram 2 sdm kecap inggris 1 sdm saus sambal ½ bawang bombai 2 siung bawang putih Cabai rawit sesuai selera Gula, garam, cuka sesuai selera Air secukupnya Tepung maizena (opsional) Bahan lainnya: 1 papan tempe 150 gr tepung roti Minyak goreng secukupnya Langkah: 1. Potong tempe ukuran sekitar 2 x 2 x 3 cm lalu pipihkan 2. Buat adonan basah, haluskan bawang putih, bumbui dengan sedikit garam. Masukkan dalam wadah 3. Masukkan telur, santan, tepung terigu, merica, garam, kaldu / penyedap, dan gula. Aduk rata 4. Celupkan tempe ke adonan basah lalu gulingkan ke tepung roti. Pastikan permukaan tempe terlapisi sempurna 5. Goreng tempe hingga warnanya cokelat keemasan 6. Buat saus asam pedas. Iris bawang bombai, cabai rawit, dan geprek bawang putih. Masukkan dalam wadah 7. Masukkan saus barbeque, saus tiram, kecap inggris, saus sambal, dan minyak wijen. Aduk rata. Tambahkan tepung maizena jika perlu 8. Masukkan olive oil / margarin ke pan. Tumis bawang bombai dan bawang putih hingga kecokelatan 9. Masukkan cabai rawit dan campuran saus tadi 10. Tambahkan air, lalu cicipi 11. Tambahkan sedikit cuka, masak hingga saus mengental 12. Tempe Katsu Saus Asam Pedas siap disajikan =================== [ENGLISH] Have Tempeh at Home? Just Make Tempeh Katsu! Chicken Katsu is popular not only in Japan but throughout the world. This time, I'm substituting the hero ingredient from chicken to Tempeh. It's definitely more budget-friendly. The crispy outer layer is perfected by the mouthwatering Spicy and Sour sauce (you may also use Tonkatsu Sauce). Tempeh Katsu with Spicy and Sour Sauce Recipe Wet batter ingredients: 1 egg 2 clove garlic 3 tbsp coconut milk 4-5 tbsp flour Salt, sugar, stock powder to taste Spicy and Sour sauce ingredients: 2 tbsp margarine / olive oil 2 tbsp barbecue / tomato sauce 1 tbsp sesame oil 2 tbsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp chili sauce 1/2 onion 2 clove garlic Bird's eye chili to taste Sugar, salt, vinegar to taste Water as needed Cornstarch (optional) Other ingredients: 1 tempeh 150 g bread crumbs Cooking oil as needed Steps: 1. Slice the Tempeh to 2 x 2 x 3 cm size and flatten. 2. Make the wet batter. Mash the garlic into a paste and season with a bit of salt. Add to a bowl. 3. Add the egg, flour, pepper, and salt. Mix well. 4. Coat the Tempeh with the wet batter and roll it into the bread crumbs. Make sure the Tempeh is well-coated. 5. Fry the Tempeh until golden brown. 6. Make the Spicy and Sour sauce. Slice the onion, bird's eye chili, and pound the garlic. Add them into a bowl. 7. Add the barbecue sauce, oyster sauce, Worcestershire sauce, chili sauce, and sesame oil. Mix well. Add some cornstarch if needed. 8. Sauté the onion and garlic until they brown. 9. Add the bird's eye chili and the sauce mix made earlier. 10. Add some water and sugar to taste. 11. Add a bit of vinegar. Cook until the sauce thickens. 12. Tempeh Katsu with Spicy and Sour Sauce is ready to serve. =================== Official Site: Instagram:   / devinahermawan   Business inquiries: [email protected] Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan. #ResepTempe #ResepKatsu #ResepChickenKatsu #ResepGoreng #ResepTempeKrispi #ResepSimple #ResepBukaPuasa #ResepSahur #MasterchefIndonesia #DevinaHermawan
