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Entertaining footage from Rock Hard Festival 2009 taken from the RHF-Special on STRIKE, the weekly metal-tv-show on www.streetclip.tv. www.streetclip.tv is the 24/7/24h music-tv-channel available FOR FREE worldwide! STRIKE is the weekly metalshow on www.streetclip.tv and contains videoclips, exclusive live footage in high quality, interviews, information, give-aways and much more. streetclip.tv also offers complete liveshows, exclusive and taken from music-DVDs. Neudi is the host of STRIKE and ROCK CLASSICS. He started hosting metal-tv-shows at the age of 15 on a local cable tv station in the mid-80s and since 2008 he is with streetclip.tv. Beside that he plays and played drums in bands like Roxxcalibur, Savage Grace, Viron, Griffin, Thunder Rider, Century, Sudden Darkness and many more. He is also writing for Break Out Magazine Germany. Email him: [email protected] (www.facebook.com/Neudi666). File under: Heavy Metal Fun, Entertainment, Fun, Comedy, Heavy Metal Parking Lot, Metal Scene inside, Open Air crowd, German metal magazine, TV-Host Neudi