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Cafe Racer (BMW R Nine T by The Cafe'd Racer)

(Legendado em Português) If you are searching for a sort of magical formula, for a Cafe Racer project based on a BMW R nine T, you are going to love this video. It is impressive to see how some simple changes, can create such a beautiful transformation, as the custom project shown on this video. This is the work of the the American Stephen Hagans, an independent builder called "The Cafe'd Racer", located in Texas. I hope you like it. My special thanks to Pedro Torres, for his great help with my English. Here are some interesting links about this motorcycle:   / the_cafed_racer     / thecafedracer     / stephen.hagans.1      / @theshagans   The song in this video, is from Aurora Borealis - The Vision Of Light:    • Aurora B.Polaris - The Vision Of Ligh...   • Aurora B.Polaris   / auroraborealisofficial     / auroraborealismusic   https://auroraborealischill.bandcamp....   / abofficialmusic     / aurorabpolaris      / mindmayhemtrebortv   Buy (support the artist): https://auroraborealischill.bandcamp.... Download The Vision of Light by Aurora B.Polaris for free, and use it in your monetized YouTube videos without receiving a copyright claim, AS LONG AS you provide FAIR CREDIT.
