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Скачать с ютуб Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Linville Free Camping and Training в хорошем качестве

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Linville Free Camping and Training 2 года назад

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Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Linville Free Camping and Training

#bvrt A few years ago we did the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail end to end and back again over 4 days. This weekend we spent a couple of days based in Linville and did some riding and running on the trail from Linville. ☕️ Buy us a Coffee // WATCH THESE NEXT ⭐️ Brisbane Valley Rail Trail ⭐️ Paluma Push 2022 // OUR MERCH // 👕 ✨ Stickers // FOLLOW US ON … 💥 SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE:    / trifitwithtimandamanda   💥 INSTAGRAM:   / trifit.tim.amanda   💥 WEBSITE: 💥 FACEBOOK:   / trifitwithtimandamanda   💥 STRAVA - Tim   / strava   💥 STRAVA - Amanda   / strava   // SOME OF OUR FAVES: 🎧 where we get music for our videos: 👀 get more views on YouTube: // ABOUT US We’re Tim and Amanda! We make videos about Triathlon. We’re a couple of age-groupers who love triathlon - the sport, the training, the races, the community. Join us as we travel the east coast of Australia, training and racing. We’re living proof that anyone can compete in triathlons. You just need to give it a shot. Cheers, Amanda & Tim
