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Matterhorn, First Winter Link of all Four Ridges by Hervé Barmasse | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 263 10 лет назад

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Matterhorn, First Winter Link of all Four Ridges by Hervé Barmasse | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 263 First up, we've got news from Zermatt of Italian mountain guide and all round mountain beast Herve Barmasse becoming the first person in history to link all 4 of the Matterhorn's iconic ridges, in a single winter day. VO - From the Bossi bivouac hut he acscended the Furggen ridge, descended the Hornli route, crossed the Matterhorn glacier and then climbed the Zmutt ridge and descended the Lion ridge back to Cervinia. In all it took him 17 hours from the Bossi hut to the Carrel hut at the foot of the Italian ridge. The Barmasse family have lived in the shadow of the Matterhorn for 4 generations now, and Herve's dad Marco was the first person to link the 4 ridges solo in summer. No pressure on Herve's son then! Watch the full video here: Video of him walking on the summit ridge Next, there's another member of the 9a club and this time it is, embarrassingly for the rest of us, a teenager, namely Belgium's Loic Timmermans. The route he climbed is Fabela pa la enmienda in Santa Linya. It is 50 m and 120 moves long and it took Loic an hour to climb it! Loic obviously likes Santa Linya as he's previously climbed Fabela (8c+) and Fabelita (8c+). We'll be seeing more of him on the competition circuit so stay tuned. Follow us on:   / epictvclimbingdaily     / epicclimbdaily      / @dailyclimbing   Matterhorn, First Winter Link of all Four Ridges by Hervé Barmasse | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 263 ------------------------ EpicTV produces hundreds of EpicTV original extreme sports series, with new video releases every day. Visit now to be the first to see the latest episodes. Get the latest extreme sports videos on the EpicTV Facebook page   / watchepictv   Follow us on Twitter   / watchepictv   See what we're up to on Instagram @epictvadventure Keep an eye on us on Google+ And best of all - check out our website!
