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Intersect operator in sql server 9 лет назад

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Intersect operator in sql server

sql intersect vs join sql server intersect example sql server intersect vs inner join sql server inner join remove duplicates In this video we will discuss 1. Intersect operator in sql server 2. Difference between intersect and inner join Healthy diet is very important both for the body and mind. If you like Aarvi Kitchen recipes, please support by sharing, subscribing and liking our YouTube channel. Hope you can help.    / @aarvikitchen5572   Intersect operator retrieves the common records from both the left and the right query of the Intersect operator. Introduced in SQL Server 2005 The number and the order of the columns must be same in both the queries The data types must be same or at least compatible Let us understand INTERSECT operator with an example. The following query retrieves the common records from both the left and the right query of the Intersect operator. Select Id, Name, Gender from TableA Intersect Select Id, Name, Gender from TableB We can also achieve the same thinkg using INNER join. The following INNER join query would produce the exact same result. Select TableA.Id, TableA.Name, TableA.Gender From TableA Inner Join TableB On TableA.Id = TableB.Id What is the difference between INTERSECT and INNER JOIN 1. INTERSECT filters duplicates and returns only DISTINCT rows that are common between the LEFT and Right Query, where as INNER JOIN does not filter the duplicates. To understand this difference, insert the following row into TableA Insert into TableA values (2, 'Mary', 'Female') Now execute the following INTERSECT query. Notice that we get only the DISTINCT rows Select Id, Name, Gender from TableA Intersect Select Id, Name, Gender from TableB Now execute the following INNER JOIN query. Notice that the duplicate rows are not filtered. Select TableA.Id, TableA.Name, TableA.Gender From TableA Inner Join TableB On TableA.Id = TableB.Id You can make the INNER JOIN behave like INTERSECT operator by using the DISTINCT operator Select DISTINCT TableA.Id, TableA.Name, TableA.Gender From TableA Inner Join TableB On TableA.Id = TableB.Id 2. INNER JOIN treats two NULLS as two different values. So if you are joining two tables based on a nullable column and if both tables have NULLs in that joining column then, INNER JOIN will not include those rows in the result-set, where as INTERSECT treats two NULLs as a same value and it returns all matching rows. To understand this difference, execute the following 2 insert statements Insert into TableA values(NULL, 'Pam', 'Female') Insert into TableB values(NULL, 'Pam', 'Female') INTERSECT query Select Id, Name, Gender from TableA Intersect Select Id, Name, Gender from TableB INNER JOIN query Select TableA.Id, TableA.Name, TableA.Gender From TableA Inner Join TableB On TableA.Id = TableB.Id Text version of the video http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspo... Slides http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspo... All SQL Server Text Articles http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspo... All SQL Server Slides http://csharp-video-tutorials.blogspo... All Dot Net and SQL Server Tutorials in English All Dot Net and SQL Server Tutorials in Arabic    / kudvenkatarabic  
