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How to Get Architecture Clients (for Architects + Students)

Teaching you all the strategies and tactics I use to find clients for my architecture practice. You can begin implementing these ideas right now to build awareness and introduce new clients to your brand and business. And, students can deploy similar tactics to find the right firms and projects to work on too. Timestamps: 1:20 Referrals - who (specifically) to reach out to 3:27 Building Awareness - start with this little hack 4:02 A must-have tool 4:59 Content Marketing - put all your design assets to work 7:35 Your portfolio 9:23 What to do if you don't have a (strong) portfolio 10:26 The Socials - which ones to start with + $$ value 14:47 Email list - know, like + trust (automated for you) 16:29 What would this look like if it were easy? Don't miss this. 17:54 Always a Student - videos, podcasts, books + resources to help you. 19:22 Sign up for my course? // GEAR I USE // CAD DRAWING TEMPLATE: Download here: ARCHITECT'S TOOLKIT: Architect + Entrepreneur Startup Toolkit: ARCHITECTURE ESSENTIAL TOOLS: PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR: * MUSIC I USE: #architecture #architect #clients ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Making a Site Model - The Outpost Project"    • Making a Site Model - The Outpost Pro...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~
