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Скачать с ютуб Family UTV Overlanding in the Uinta Mountains of Utah - Part 1 [Polaris General 4] в хорошем качестве

Family UTV Overlanding in the Uinta Mountains of Utah - Part 1 [Polaris General 4] 1 год назад

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Family UTV Overlanding in the Uinta Mountains of Utah - Part 1 [Polaris General 4]

We're headed into the Uinta Mountains of Utah for five days of UTV overlanding out of our Polaris General. The Uintas are the tallest mountain range in Utah, peaking at over 13,500 feet and are also the only major mountain range in the United States that runs east-west. Our research has shown we should prepare for unpredictable weather, and there are no places to re-supply or re-fuel anywhere in the mountains. Help support the channel here! - Rocky Mountain ATV/MC (purchasing through this link helps support our channel!) Viktos (I get lots of questions about my Hilux shirt!) Use code "CRITICALIMPACTFA" at checkout to save 15%! Northwoods Family Website - GPS files & decals from our trip ProFab Outdoors Windshield Cover. This thing rocks - held tight on our 5,000 mile trip. Website: #polarisgeneral4 #garmintread #utvcamping #polarisgeneral #utvoverlanding #familyoverlandcamping #overlandcamping Links in the description are typically affiliate links. If you click one and purchase, we'll make a small commission. This helps support our channel and allows us to continue making awesome videos like this. Thank you for your support!
