У нас вы можете посмотреть бесплатно Brooke Davis, bestselling author of Lost and Found, chats to Andrew Cattanach или скачать в максимальном доступном качестве, которое было загружено на ютуб. Для скачивания выберите вариант из формы ниже:
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Lost and Found - http://www.booktopia.com.au/lost-foun... Brooke Davis has had an incredible few months. Her debut novel, Lost & Found proved to be the buzz book of the 2014 London Book Fair. The translation rights have since been sold into sixteen countries and major deals have been confirmed in the United States and Great Britain. In this exclusive follow up interview, Brooke chats with Andrew about her experience on Australian Story and her journey towards being officially a bestselling novelist. Lost and Found - http://www.booktopia.com.au/lost-foun...