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J. S. Bach Flute sonata in e minor BWV 1034 "Andante" 4 года назад

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J. S. Bach Flute sonata in e minor BWV 1034 "Andante"

Francely Zurita, flute Tobin Kearns, piano Music for the soul Music for the soul is a series of music videos, inspired by the psalms of King David. Ever since I was a child, music has been a faithful companion of mine, keeping me company in all aspects of life: Moments of difficulty, sadness, and despair, but also moments of hope, faith, strength and joy. In Psalms 42:5-11 David talks about the state of his soul. He had the intelligence and ability to be in touch with his soul, but in order to unburden himself of his stressors, he composed praises, psalms, and poems, as well as prayers to God. After a short while, his soul began to experience thoughts of hope, joy, and the strength to carry on. My goal is to share music for the soul, for those moments in which our soul is needy, in which we can find remedy in the power of music like the great psalmist did. “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Psalms 42:5-11
