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$0 UCAT Preparation - How I Got 90+ Percentile 3 года назад

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$0 UCAT Preparation - How I Got 90+ Percentile

The UCAT is a challenging exam to do well in and I can understand why students would want to spend money on courses to give them the best chance of securing an interview for med school. However, if you don't want to spend any money on courses, then this video will (hopefully) provide you with a handful of practical tips on how to best prepare for the UCAT without spending a single cent. Hope you learn something and have a nice day! 🙂 KharmaMedic UCAT vids playlist:    • HOW I SCORED IN THE 99TH PERCENTILE O...   Tags: #ucat #ucatstudy #ucatanz #ukcat #medicine #medicalschool #medicalstudent #studytips #study #effectivestudy #student #university #highschool #college #education #tips #howto #universitystudent
