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Скачать с ютуб The California EV Deal в хорошем качестве

The California EV Deal 4 года назад

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The California EV Deal

The world needs to fight climate change and California wants to lead that fight by giving you a FREE (or heavily subsidized) electric vehicle or hybrid. For a used electric vehicle, you can get up to $21,000 in government grants. The California electric vehicle incentives covers the car, charging station and gives your discounted electricity. New electric vehicles are eligible for up to a $7500 Federal EV tax credit depending on the model and is eligible for $5000+ in California state electric vehicle grants. 00:00 Intro 00:50 Finding US Government EV rebates 03:07 California EV rebates for a USED car 08:15 California Incentives for a NEW EV/hybrid Passive marketing brought to you by Essence, because I got a free coffee mug with purchase of their coffee. The free coffee cup deal is no longer available but their coffee is pretty good. I like it because it has creamer and sugar already in the packet. Try it here: Blog post with links to all the programs:
