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A Walk Around Rennes, France 9 лет назад

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A Walk Around Rennes, France

I spent the weekend in the lovely city of Rennes. There is a lot to see architecutrally speaking, there is old French and old Bretagne all over the Old City Centre. There is a lively late night dining and tavern scene, plenty of French Street music, And much, much more. It is defiantly worth the effort to leave the Capital city of Paris and venture out in the country. Rennes is a city in the east of Brittany in northwestern France. Rennes is the capital of the region of Brittany, as well as the Ille-et-Vilaine department. The city is the tenth largest in France, with a metropolitan area of about 700,000 inhabitants. With more than 63,000 students in 2013, is also the eighth-largest university campus of France. Rennes is the administrative capital of the French department of Ille-et-Vilaine. Before the French revolution, prior to the integration of the Duchy of Brittany into the Kingdom of France, Rennes was the capital of the duchy, with the other historical capitals of Brittany's Ducal period being Nantes and Vannes. It has a long history due to its location at the confluence of two rivers and its proximity to the bordering regions from which arose various challenges to the borders of Brittany.
