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Скачать с ютуб Walking tour of Iran|The great festival of Shiraz Day at luxury neighborhood |boys and girls freedom в хорошем качестве

Walking tour of Iran|The great festival of Shiraz Day at luxury neighborhood |boys and girls freedom 7 месяцев назад

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Walking tour of Iran|The great festival of Shiraz Day at luxury neighborhood |boys and girls freedom

Walking tour of Iran|The great festival of Shiraz Day at luxury neighborhood |boys and girls freedom Shiraz day festival was held in Afif Abad garden in Shiraz and more than 5000 people participated in this festival. This program was held with a concert of singers and performances by comedians and poets in the name of the country of Iran In this channel, we will go on a 4k walking tour to all parts of Iran and we will see the real life and the type of urban and rural life of the Iranian people in a virtual ————————— 🔻Equipment Used : Camera : osmo pocket 3 creator combo Software Editing : Adobe Premiere Pro ————————— 🌹🌹🌹 Subscribe and join us on an incredible journey through history and culture! Don't forget to hit the like button to show your support and stay updated with our latest videos.👇👇👇    / @walkwithfaranak   ****** 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 VIDEO MUST SEE night walking in shiraz👇    • The real iran.night walking at yalda ...   walking in Ruby Red Beach ,Hormuz Island👇    • The Real Iran, walking in Ruby Red Be...   iranian boys and girls real life👇    • IRAN🇮🇷REAL LIFE IN SHIRAZ |iranian bo...   👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Follow us on instagram Instagram : 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 #citytour #citywalkingtour #walkingtour #iran #walkingiran #irantravel ****** 👇 walking tour travel travel vlog walk with me walkwithfaranak Travel trip journey Iranian people ایران
