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Australian Terrier - Top 10 Facts

Australian Terrier was developed in Australia to hunt rodents and snakes. These dogs are also delightful companions, fierce earthdog competitors, and conformation and obedience show dogs. Brain Training For Your Dog: 👉 100% Waterproof Rechargeable Dog Training Collar: 👉 Get a $100 Petco Gift Card here: 👉 In this video, we are counting down the top 10 facts about the Australian Terriers that you might not know. A Quick Overview: Group: Terrier Dogs Weight: 14 to 16 pounds Height: 10 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 years The Australian Terrier is believed to be descended from a dog known as the Rough-Coated Terrier, a relative of the old Scotch dog of Great Britain. Breed researchers have some consensus of opinion that this Terrier was crossed with other British Terriers who were brought to Australia, including the precursor of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, the Skye, the Yorkshire, and the Black and Tan Terrier. The result was a tough and courageous Aussie Terrier. Because early European settlers in Australia faced harsh conditions, they needed a hardy, fearless dog that could work in all kinds of weather. Aussies Terriers were bred to control and exterminate rats and snakes on the waterfront, in gold mines, and on sheep stations in the outback. They were also used as watchdogs, shepherds, and companions to the people living in these stressful outposts. The Aussie Terrier is a fun-loving, upbeat dog who makes a great companion for any individual or family who wants to share his energetic lifestyle. Devoted to his owners, he's happiest when he's part of daily family life. He likes to be in the house, playing with the kids, following you room to room, or shouldering his way to the front door when you greet a friend. He is clever and should be easy to train — as long as you keep him busy and never, ever bore him. 👉 Website: Follow us on other social media channels: 👉   / dogswiz   👉   / dogswiz   👉   / dogs.wiz   👉   / dogswiz   👉 Copyright Disclaimer: We respect the copyright interests of all the individual owners in the video and don't claim to own the original clips. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. The recent amendments to the Copyright Act of 1976 pertain to music. "Fair use" remains in force for film and video. If you see your clip being used in the video that you think isn't in adherence to the Fair Use Law, please shoot us an email directly at [email protected], and we will be happy to resolve the issue for both parties. 👉 Video Sources:   / sirsephiroth     / sirvianaustralianterriers     / slicktheruler     / cherrystreetdoghouse     / dcfoto.bilder     / terriernisse     / rosieaussieterrier     / calebtheterrier     / aust_terrier_poodle_missted     / arvid.rurik.terriers     / mylifeaswillow     / bonniemybonnie     / tidewalkeraussies     / atoiglondonandstafford     / dogdaysnz     / sallytheaustralianterrier     / iinaino     / penny_thegroodle     / australianterriernl     / karu_australian_terrier     / jojospage123     / biskettimonster     / hemppadamppa     / jackdaniel_austerrier     / paitertheaussie     / hazel_theaustralianterrier     / alfonstheterrier     / atoiglondonandstafford     / aussie_pabloman     / joy_the_jumpy     / jaretheterrier     / raisethewoofgrooming.surrey     / blonddaily     / walkabouts.with.winston     / freiatheaussie     / sirvianaustralianterriers     / just_a_guy_named_fry     / konstatheterrier     / arvid.rurik.terriers  
