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What is Glycol? 2 года назад

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What is Glycol?

What is glycol and how does it affect the environment? Veolia Water Technologies UK (VWT UK) has recently completed a pioneering glycol removal plant at Heathrow Airport, the first of its kind to treat glycol in this application in the UK. VWT UK was selected due to its expertise in water treatment technologies and services – and for the cost-effective, yet bespoke solution its experienced team put forward. The new glycol removal plant takes water from a runway collection lagoon, processes it and discharges it into a separate four-part clean water lagoon, prior to its release into the river Crane. The plant itself includes two 1,100 m3 AnoxKaldnes™ Moving Bed Biological Reactor (MBBR) biological treatment tanks, through which the effluent passes. "Working with Veolia Water Technologies on this project has been great,” commented the Heathrow project team. “We had some testing conditions and difficult situations early on during the project but the Veolia project team really turned site performance around." Read the full case study, here: https://www.veoliawatertechnologies.c...
