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Can You Beat Fallout 3 Without Taking Any Damage?

One of the most important parts of Fallout 3 is managing your health, making sure you have enough Stimpaks to survive the next group of Raiders you stumble across. But what if you didn’t have any health? What if any damage at all killed you? Can You Beat Fallout 3 Without Taking Any Damage? Equipment I use (and other affiliate links): Buy Fallout 76: Elgato HD60 S Capture Card: Focusrite Scarlett Solo Audio Interface: Audio-Technica AT2020 XLR Microphone: Apple iMac: Western Digital 4TB My Passport: Samsung T5 500GB Portable SSD: Tribesigns L-Shaped Corner Desk: If you enjoyed this Fallout video, check out some of my other Fallout videos: Can You Beat Fallout 3 As A Baby?:    • Can You Beat Fallout 3 as a Baby?   Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas as a Giant?:    • Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas as a G...   Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas Without Attacking Anything?:    • Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas Witho...   Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas By Only Moving Backwards?:    • Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas By Onl...   Every Fallout Vault:    • Every Fallout Vault   5 Happiest Fallout Vaults:    • 5 Happiest Fallout Vaults   6 Most Fucked-Up Fallout Vaults:    • 6 Most Fucked-Up Fallout Vaults (Most...   Support me on Patreon!, or don’t: SUBSCRIBE! Twitter: Can You Beat Fallout 3 Without Taking Any Damage? (in text form) Let’s get something out of the way real quick. I did use a console command for this playthrough, but I did it for a reason. You can keep track of your health and manually reload old saves if you get hit. I didn’t want to do that. So I used a console command to set my health to 1, a single hit point, so that any damage at all will kill me and reload my most recent save. The end result is the same, this just makes it less of a hassle to deal with. Now, onto the playthrough. Because we can’t take any damage, Strength and Endurance are dump stats. Perception and Intelligence are vital. Perception so that I can see enemies from the maximum possible distance and Intelligence to get as many skill points as possible when leveling up. I also drained Luck, maxed out Agility, and put the remaining points into Charisma. From there I have a birthday party, go to class, and assign skill points. I went with Sneak, Small Guns, and Speech. Small Guns might seem the like odd category out, as a getting into a firefight is a veritable death sentence. I’m playing on Very Easy, and with a Sneak bonus, I have a chance at taking out enemies before they know I’m there. Before we go any further, here’s a shot of my Pip-Boy showing that my health is at 1/1 [1 of 1]. It’ll be like this throughout the rest of the playthrough. I decided to be a real prick in this run, so I killed Butch’s mom, left the radroaches to devour her copse, killed Butch, killed Tom and Mary Holden, killed Officer Richards and Officer O’Brian, killed Security Chief Hannon, killed Officer Mack, killed the Overseer, killed Officer Park and Officer Wolfe, and finally left the Vault. After arriving at Megaton, I sold what I could to Crazy Wolfgang, then killed him and took my stuff back, killed Micky, beat Deputy Weld to death, though not before he killed me first, and entered Megaton. My initial goal was simple: Get negative karma and, by any means necessary, accumulate 1000 caps so that I’d be able to get Jericho as a companion. You may be thinking that killing Moira would be a good source of caps, and you’re right, but I’ve got some plans for her. By that point, I was about 650 caps short of acquiring Jericho. So I did what I always do, head straight for Vault 87. Along the way, I once again proved that if you have the higher ground, your enemies don’t stand a chance. Fun fact: Turrets explode when they’re destroyed, and that can be dangerous. Beneath the town I found lied an encampment of Raiders, all of whom were killed and looted. You’re probably thinking “Wow, this seems easy so far” and you’d be correct. With the Assault Rifle I got from Wolfgang, Raiders can be killed before they have a chance to aim. But things are about to get a lot worse. Back above ground were more Raiders. These Raiders have guns and they know how to use them. I spent 15 minutes trying to kill them all. And. I. Died. So. Many. God. Damn. Times. It’s. Not. Even. Funny. After that ordeal was over with, I finally had enough stuff to sell get up to 1000 caps. Before meeting Jericho, I struck a deal with Mister Burke. I convinced Jericho to join me and it was time for more good old fashioned violence. I tried to rig the bomb to explode, but you need your Explosive skill to be at least 25, and mine wasn’t.
