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How to optimize your YouTube video for search

Have you ever created a video for YouTube that you know is hella valuable, only to have it flop when you post it because nobody is seeing it? Worry no more, friend because I am going to teach you how to write SEO friendly, searchable titles for your YouTube videos that the algorithm will love and will get you more views! // WATCH THESE NEXT WHO IS KATIE STECKLY? FILM MY LIFE:    • Welcome to Katie Steckly's YouTube Ch...   THE BEST INSTAGRAM HACKS VIDEO:    • Instagram Story Hacks for Creators 2019   TIPS FOR STARTING ON YOUTUBE:    • DON'T start your YouTube channel with...   HOW TO FILM A TRAVEL VLOG:    • How to make a travel vlog for beginners   🌱 ✨DOWNLOAD my FREE Instagram Sticker Pack ✨ ➡️ ✨DOWNLOAD my FREE Youtube Video CHECKLIST ✨ ➡️ //Help me make all of my vides accessible! Follow this link to help write the closed captions to my past videos! ---------------------------------------­------ // ABOUT ME I'm Katie, an 22 year old freelance videographer and Youtube video creator, living in Canada. My goal is to make videos that make you think, make you laugh, and maybe even learn something new. I'm interested in minimalism, the environment, film making, and travel, and I'd love to share those interests with you. I make videos about making videos, travel, tech, and creativity. I'm obsessed with side projects and live by the mantra of "create everyday." Come along for the ride if you want tips of being productive, creative, and adventurous! ✨ Katie Steckly is a freelance social media content producer sharing what she learns about social media and content creation from her side projects and her freelance work. She provides growing creators with information and inspiration along the way. ---------------------------------------­------ // HIRE ME If you like my videography style and want to work together on a project, visit my business website: I'm interested in social media marketing, community building, and digital video. I love working with independent and small businesses and tourism boards. I want to showcase the best of your business or community! Visit my website or email [email protected] ---------------------------------------­------ // LINKS Twitter:   / katiesteckly   Instagram:   / katiesteckly  
