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Most Subscribed Beauty Channels on Youtube

In this video, we take a look at the Most Subscribed Beauty Channels on Youtube from 2010-2020. In the last 10 years, the beauty channel has really taken off and the people on this list have made it happen along with alot of others, but we will be showing the top 12 only for this video for each year during the last 10 years. I spend alot of time gathering, organizing and thinking to bring you the most upto date and most compelling data visualizations for your enjoyment. Any comment or suggestions are appreciated. Please like, share and subscribe for more upcoming videos. SUBCRIBE to STATS MAX CHANNEL:    / @statsmax   Song: Unknown Brain - Dancing On The Moon (ft. Luke Burr) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch:    • Unknown Brain - Dancing On The Moon (...   #mostsubscribedyoutubers, #mostsubscribedbeautyyoutubers, #mostsubscribedbeautychannels, #statsmax, #beautychannels Most Subscribed Beauty Youtubers Most Subscribed Beauty Channels on Youtube Most popular beauty youtubers top beauty youtubers most subbed beauty youtubers best beauty youtubers
