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Скачать с ютуб Дневник осеннего вечера | Рутина ухода за собой после работы | Простая тыквенная паста в хорошем качестве

Дневник осеннего вечера | Рутина ухода за собой после работы | Простая тыквенная паста 1 месяц назад

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Дневник осеннего вечера | Рутина ухода за собой после работы | Простая тыквенная паста

[Relaxing Evening Routine, Home-made Pumpkin Pasta l, Alone Time, Faceless Vlog, Halloween Pumpkin Carving ] ☕️🌷 Join me, in my new silent vlog for a peaceful evening routine. I can't believe we are in the midst of Autumn. Pumpkins are on sale everywhere so I thought I try out a new recipe for Pumpkin Pasta. It is also the first time after months I am turning on the fireplace and take a nice relaxing bath. What do you think of my kitty carved pumpkin? Anyway I hope you enjoy this month's vlog! If you enjoy relaxing videos, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more! Love Saskia ♡ #eveningroutine #Calmevening #CoffeeTime #alonetime #facelessvlog #RelaxingVlog #metime #silentvlog #Pumpkin M U S I C I download my music from ARTLIST Get 2 months for free via the following link: 🎵 EPIDEMIC SOUND: C O N N E C T ▶︎Facebook ▶︎Instagram   / homeawaysaskia   ▶︎Tiktok F I L M I N G G E A R ▶︎Sony camera: ▶︎Sigma Lens for camera: ▶︎Samyang Lens: ▶︎ND filter: ▶︎Microphone: ▶︎Editing program: Davinchi Resolve Studio I filmed my first 12 movies completely with my iPhone 13 mini, this vlog is filmed with my Sony camera and my phone. Most shots with the cats are filmed with my phone. L U T S & F I L T E R S I used different filters/LUTS to colour-grade my YouTube videos: ▶︎Editors Keys Culinary LUT on my first episode:    • ⟦Seoul✈️⟧ Dutch Rains & Seoul's Lanes...   ▶︎Editors Keys French Dispatch LUT on my second episode:    • ⟦Vancouver✈️⟧ Awake in Canada: Jetlag...   ▶︎The *free Davinchi Resolve Cineon Film LUT episodes 3-12:    • 🪴Relaxing Weekend @HOME Cleaning the ...   ▶︎Episode 7,10 and 13 I did not use a filter or LUT:    • Cozy Autumn Days @Home | Baking a Pum...      • 🧁Cats, Muffins, & Memories: Unveiling...   I film in S-log2 and use Phantom luts (Neutral) to colorgrade my Sony footage: ▶︎ Episode 13 (Tokyo part is filmed on my iPhone without a filter)    • [Tokyo] A Calm 5:30AM Morning Routine...   ▶︎Episode 14 (Everything is filmed on SONY)    • Calm and Relaxing Night Time Routine ...   ▶︎ Episode 15 (Shanghai Disneyland is filmed on my iPhone without a filter)    • ⟦Shanghai Disneyland ✈️⟧ Weekend Alon...   B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S ▶︎ [email protected] D I S C L A I M E R Some links are affiliate links, where I earn a small commission if you click on the link and purchase an item. You are not obligated to do so, but it does help support this YouTube channel and allows me to continue to make videos for you. I appreciate your support♡ T I M E S T A M P S 00:00 Intro 01:07 4PM Coming home from work 03:45 Relaxing Bathing Routine 06:24 Nursery preview 06:54 Turning on fireplace 07:40 Pumpkin Pasta Recipe 11:15 Dinner time 12:22 Pumpkin Cat Carving
