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Скачать с ютуб Argentina's Milei achieves 'unthinkable'; Musk and Ramaswamy may have found their DOGE formula в хорошем качестве

Argentina's Milei achieves 'unthinkable'; Musk and Ramaswamy may have found their DOGE formula 17 часов назад

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Argentina's Milei achieves 'unthinkable'; Musk and Ramaswamy may have found their DOGE formula

Argentina's budget balance saw a historic turnaround in 2023, eliminating its fiscal deficit for the first time in 123 years. President Javier Milei credited aggressive spending cuts and the elimination of monetary emissions for this success. Despite controversial reforms, including slashing government agencies and subsidies, the country is on the path to economic recovery. Milei's actions have inspired global leaders like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who aim to cut wasteful spending in the U.S. The global focus on fiscal responsibility has intensified as countries, like Argentina, strive for sustainable growth and stability. ► Subscribe to The Economic Times for the latest video updates. It's free! - ► More Videos @ ETTV - ► ► For business news on the go, download ET app: Follow ET on: ► Facebook -   / economictimes   ► Twitter -   / economictimes   ► LinkedIn -   / economictimes   ► Instagram -   / the_economic_times   ► Flipboard - #JavierMilei #ArgentinaEconomy #MileiReforms #ArgentinaFiscalPolicy #MileiBudgetSuccess #ArgentinaRecovery #FiscalSurplusArgentina #MileiEconomicTurnaround #Argentina2023
