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Play Better Golf By Replacing Your Wedge Shafts.

Ep. 66 - In this video we share a Tip that only the best in the world even knew about, well until about 8-10 months ago. So if you were ever curious to know if the golf shafts in your wedges matter, then this is a good video to watch. Video Release Schedule: Right now we are following a twice a month release schedule as we are currently working on a couple of big projects here at the Golfshop, and our goal to ramp backup will resume to weekly releases, and perhaps twice a week once they have been completed. More About Us: We've been building and fitting clubs for the better part of 13 years, and what once started out in the basement of our house has now turned into a Professional Club Fitting business that rivals the likes of some of the more notable ranked Club Fitting Companies out there like: TXG, Club Champion, Golftec, TrueSpec, and 2nd Swing to just name a few. Current Fitting Matrix: Callaway, Cobra, Cleveland, Mizuno, Miura, Ping, PXG, Srixon, Taylormade. and Titleist. Website: Instagram:   / swingfit_studios   YouTube channels we proudly support: TXG, James Robinson, MyGolfSpy, Alex Etches, Rick Shiels, Peter Finch, Mark Crossfield, Cogorno Golf, Top Speed Golf, Wisdom in Golf, and Mr. Short Game himself. Questions: We respond to every question within 24 hours, so if you have any questions about todays video then just leave your comments in the remarks. Feedback: We welcome all Feedback and suggestions. #swingfit #playbettergolf #clubfitting #clubbuilding #dontguessgetfit #golf #doityourself
