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York City Walls Walk, English Countryside 4K

۞ All support is hugely appreciated and it helps me keep the channel going! No talking, just walking. Exploring the English Countryside. Walking around York's City walls York's city walls were originally built by the Romans in 71 AD, and have been rebuilt and extended over the centuries. The walls are nearly 3 miles long, and include four main gates and 39 towers. During medieval times, the walls were improved with additional gates and fortifications, and served as a means of defence for the city. In the 19th century, the walls were restored and made accessible to the public as a popular walking route. The walls also played a role in the Siege of York during the English Civil War, and sustained damage during World War II bombings. Today, they remain a popular tourist attraction and symbol of the city's rich history. My 147th of hopefully many YouTube Walks. Time and date of walk: 10:15am 18th March 2023 English Spring Dave's walk difficulty rating: 1 / 5 Nice and easy walking around London. Dave's walk beauty rating: 5 / 5 perfect! Distance of this walk: 8,152 Steps 3.37 Miles / 5.42 km Distance of all YouTube walks so far: 713,961 Steps 306.17 Miles / 492.63 km Weather: A white fluffy cloud day! My favourite! Subscribers at time of video release: 30,408 Total channel views at time of release: 4,273,342 Total hours of my videos watched: 891,881 Hours = 31,162 Days = 101.81 Years! Starting point of walk on what3words: /// This link is a Google map route of this walk, and of all of my completed video walks, drives and my forever growing 'To do' walking list. About Dave's Walks Hi there, I‘m Dave! I've lived in the English Countryside all my life, and I love it! I enjoy walking, and couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful the UK can be away from the cities. I found myself inspired and decided to get some camera equipment and make some walking videos so I can share my walks of the beautiful countryside with everyone! I mainly focus on small towns, villages, picturesque landscapes, rolling hills and mountains, forests and canals, all along the coastlines in England, Scotland, Wales, and who knows maybe one day further afar! I upload every Sunday 11.45am GMT (3.45am PST) (6.45am EST) (5.15pm IST) (9.15pm ACST) Connect with me? ۞ Instagram:   / daves_walks   ۞ Facebook:   / daveswalks   ۞ Twitter:   / walksdave   ۞ Reddit:   / daves_walks   Other ways to support me include: ۞ Become a Dave’s Walks Member (Early access to all uploads ad free)    / @daveswalks   ۞ Direct to PayPal: ۞ My Amazon Wishlist: A Massive thank you to all 65 channel supporters that have bought me coffee! It really does help me so much! Not just coffee but also things like petrol, car maintenance, accommodation costs, parking costs, admission and entry fees to places I wouldn’t normally go to, it really does go a long way helping me make content for everyone! I would like to give a big welcome to my 10 most recent Channel Members: Patricia Smith Nancy Schmidt I’mWalkingHere Kyle McCloskey Britni Pack JoElleBoh Bronwyn Jensen Golda Murr Rose Stinky Renee Love It really does help me so much! Not just coffee but also things like petrol, car maintenance, overnight stays in places, parking tickets, admission and entry fees to places I wouldn’t normally go to, it really does go a long way helping me make content for everyone! Equipment: DJI Osomo Pocket 2 Combo Pack Freewell Polarising ND Filters DJI Action Cam DJI Action Cam Spare Battery Extreme Pro 128GB memory Card Camera Suction Mount Rode Micro Microphone Tripod Power Bank These Amazon Links are affiliated; I get a small commission if you simply use the links to go to the Amazon website. Even if you buy something else unrelated to the links, it gives me a small commission because you used the link. Brilliant eh? I use the free version of Davinci Resolve 16 to do some really basic editing. Mainly making sure the sky isn't over exposed. It's from Camera straight to YouTube. No cuts, no fancy business, no talking, just walking. #countryside #englishcountryside #notalking #justwalking #yorkshire #yorkcity #yorkwalls #citywallswalk #yorkwalk #cathedral #yorkminster ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ~ Y O U R ~ W A L K E R ~ D A V E ~ S H A W ~ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
