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TRUE COGNATES are a Great Trick to INCREASE your European Portuguese Vocabulary!

Learn all about the suffix endings you will need to use in order to change a word from English to Portuguese. These tips are true game changers that will help you add a large variety of words from nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs to your list of Portuguese words. These words will help you express yourself better and make you more comfortable when speaking in Portugal since they are very similar to the English words. Were you aware of all of the rules we talk about? Aprende tudo sobre os sufixos que terás de usar para alterar uma palavra de Inglês para Português. Estas dicas são verdadeiras preciosidades que te ajudarão a acrescentar uma grande variedade de palavras desde nomes, verbos, adjetivos e advérbios à tua lista de palavras Portuguesas. Estas palavras ajudar-te-ão a expressares-te melhor em Portugal e ficarás mais confortável quando falares já que são muito semelhantes às palavras Inglesas. Conhecias todas as regras de que falamos? → Link to our video TOP 6 SIMPLE TIPS ON HOW TO LEARN FASTER    • 6 Practical Tips to Learn European Po...   → Link to our NEW ONLINE STORE on AMAZON.COM ad* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from any product in my store or on the Amazon website purchased through this link. 👉 If you enjoy our content, consider being our PATRON on our Patreon Page to support us 😀 and have access to exclusive videos and audios.   / learneuropeanportugueseonline   👉 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive our creative posts on your feed.   / learneuropeanportugueseonlinetoday     / learneuropeanportugueseonline   👉 For more information about us, visit our website at: https://www.learneuropeanportugueseon... #portuguese #europeanportuguese #learneuropeanportugueseonline #europeanportugueselessons #aprenderportugues #portugueselanguage #portugueseportugal #sandracarapinha #portuguesevocabulary
