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THE GREAT BATTLES OF RUSSIA. CAPTURE OF KAZAN. English Subtitles. Russian History.

Type: historical reenactment Genre: docudrama Year of production: 2018 Directed by: Dmitry Ushakov Written by: Dmitry Volodikhin, Ilya Babenko Production designer: Valery Babich, Vlad Ryashin Director of photography: Dmitry Ushakov "The Great Battles of Russia" is a series of historical documentaries and feature films about the largest battles in the history of our country. The films tell about the Ice Battle, the Kulikovo and Poltava battles, the battle on the Borodino field, the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail and other key moments in Russian history. THE GREAT BATTLES OF RUSSIA. ALL EPISODES:    • THE GREAT BATTLES OF RUSSIA. ALL EPIS...   #RussianHistoryEN
