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Sketchup & V Ray Bangla tutorial ।। Advance Professional FULL Lecture Video।। Mostofa_Studio 1 год назад

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Sketchup & V Ray Bangla tutorial ।। Advance Professional FULL Lecture Video।। Mostofa_Studio

SketchUp is a 3D modeling Sketchup & V Ray Bangla tutorial software that allows users to create models of buildings, furniture, landscapes, and more. Start with a plan or an idea: Before you start creating your model, it's helpful to have a plan or idea of what you want to build. This can be a rough sketch or a detailed blueprint. Choose your template: When you open SketchUp, you'll be prompted to choose a template. This will determine the units of measurement and the perspective of your model. Create your geometry: SketchUp uses a simple push-pull method to create 3D shapes. Start by drawing the basic outlines of your object or building, and then use the push-pull tool to extrude the shapes into 3D.Add details: Once you have the basic geometry of your model, you can add details like windows, doors, and textures. SketchUp has a variety of built-in tools and libraries that can help you add these details. Apply materials: SketchUp allows you to apply materials to your model to give it a realistic look. You can use the built-in materials or create your own. Add lighting and shadows: You can add lighting and shadows to your model to make it look more realistic. SketchUp has a variety of built-in tools to help you do this. Export your model: When you're finished, you can export your model in a variety of formats, including 3D models, 2D drawings, and images. 🟩প্রফেশনার ডিজাইনার হতে চাইলে । ডিজাইনের জন্য Professional রিসোরস ফাইল দরকার । Civil & Architecture ডিজাইনের জন্য,Professional রিসোরস ফাইল গুলো কেউ দিতে চায় না। ৫০ হাজার টাকার রিসোরস ফাইল গুলো ,আমরা সামান্য অল্প টাকায় দিচ্ছি। ফাইল গুলো নিতে চাইলে নিচের Whatsapp এ যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন। ⏹➡PACKAGE-1. Professional Sketchup 3D Element Resource For Architecture Package. ⏹➡PACKAGE-2 Professional 2D Floor Photoshop PSD Blocks Package. ⏹➡PACKAGE-3 Professional AUTO CAD All Drawing +CAD All Blocks + CAD Practical Hand Note Book PDF Book(All files). What's App - 01329474627 Gmail: [email protected] All Social Link: Instagram :  / mostofa_studio   Facebook: Thanks for watching! 🙏 Don't forget to 👍 and subscribe! Learn something new from this video? Let us know what tip you liked in the comments below. Has Tag #mostofa_Studio #sketchup_bangla_tutorial #sketchup_bangla #sketchup_bangla_text #sketchup_download_bangla #sketchup_rendering_tutorial_bangla #sketchup_tutorial_sketchup_pro #sketchup_render #sketchup2023 #sketchup_tutorial_bangla #sketchup_vray #sketchup_course #sketchup_v_ray_rendering_sketchup_vray #sketchup_vray_animation sketchup vray material settings, sketchup vray 5 render settings, sketchup vray toolbar missing, sketchup vray asset editor not opening, sketchup vray 5 render tutorial, sketchup vray plugin free download,, sketchup vray light, sketchup vray material editor tutorial, sketchup v ray 6, sketchup vray plugin, sketchup drawing, sketchup download, sketchup to revit, sketchup pro 2022, sketchup tools, sketchup work, sketchup video, #
