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Turn Your Hips Like Rory Mcllroy for More Power! | Drop 10 Shots Series (Ep. 1)

(한국어 버전 ➫    • 로리 맥길로이 드라이버 스윙, 야 너두 할 수 있어 | 10타 줄이...  ) We start a fresh series, to help you play better and score lower instantly! I will be giving you tips you can apply right away for the on-course play. Today we give you a one-in-four drill to help you hit that driver longer & straighter. You will be amazed because your hip turn will look like Rory McIlroy's! Let's Drop 10 Shots this golf season! ▶️ DROP 10 SHOTS SERIES can be found here! ➫    • Aimee Cho Drop 10 Shots Series   ────────────────── 🌐 Need personal coaching? No matter where you are, you can always get Aimeefied. Visit today. ⛳ Become a Channel Member on my YouTube Channel. This offers super exclusive benefits to our most passionate fans!    / golfwithaimee   🛒 Wondering what's in Aimee’s bag? Check out 🔗 Find me on your favorite social media!   / golfwithaimee     / golfwithaimee     / golfwithaimee   📧 Email: [email protected]
