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Top 7 Fountain Pens to Last a Lifetime

Timeless. Durable. Comfortable. Fountain pens that can stand the test of time. You want something that bucks trends and has that classic appeal that will last for decades. It also needs to be made of tough stuff, to stand up to years of hard writing. Finally, it must feel good in your hand not just now, but for years. We've put together a selection of fountain pens that you'll want to make a long term commitment to. They are stylish but not faddy, durable but not bulky, smooth writers but never boring. In short, they are the buy-it-oncer's dream fountain pens. 0:00 Intro 0:39 LAMY 2000 1:12 Karas Kustoms 1:44 Platinum 3776 2:18 Pilot Custom 823 2:55 Edison Premiere 3:26 Visconti Homo Sapiens 4:20 Namiki Maki-e LINKS TO PRODUCTS FEATURED: Lamy 2000: Platinum 3776 Century: Pilot Custom 823: Edison Nouveau Premiere: Visconti Homo Sapiens: Namiki Maki-e: SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: ABOUT GOULET PENS: Brian & Rachel Goulet started The Goulet Pen Company in 2009 and you can see the evolution of our mom and pop into a full-blown company through this channel. We run a dedicated online store with fountain pens, ink, paper, and other fine writing accessories. Our goal with this channel is to provide fountain pen fans at all levels of experience with comprehensive product reviews, round ups, and how-to videos to answer all the fountain pen questions you may have. Shop at FOLLOW US: Instagram:   / gouletpens   Facebook:   / thegouletpencompany   Twitter:   / gouletpens   Pinterest:   / gouletpens   Sign up for Emails: Blog:
