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Shiraz Iran (4k)Evening walk on Chamran Boulevard /شیراز بلوار چمران

Shiraz Iran (4k) Walking on Chamran Blvd/شیراز بلوار چمران Shahid Chamran Boulevard is one of the most important boulevards in Shiraz, which is geographically located in the northwest of the city. This boulevard is called as one of the most beautiful boulevards in the city due to its location between the dry river and the gardens of Qasrdasht, and because it is one of the most expensive places in the city, most people in Shiraz spend their weekends on this boulevard. Chamran Boulevard is considered as one of the most beloved boulevards in the city among the people. #WalkingTour #Walk #Walking #StreetWalk #CityWalk #4KWalk #Tehran #Travel #Traveling #Travelling #People #VirtualTour #Iranian #Irani #Street #CityTour #4K #شیراز#ایران #ایرانی #مشهد #تهران #shiraz
