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EAT THIS "FAT B@STARD" BURGER AND GET $100?! Crazy Irish CheeseBurger Challenge

Get 50% off your first order of CookUnity meals at and use my code HANSEN50 at checkout! ONLY BEATEN ONCE? This challenge was failed hundreds of times.. but just because I eat a lot doesn’t mean you have to call me a f@t b@stard! today we are at the Road house in northern Ireland at a take away taking on a almost undefeated burger challenge that was undefeated for years. Filled with fried chicken, multiple huge burger patties, bacon, sausages, hotdogs, onion, rings, salad, and so much more. This is the roadhouse fat bastard burger challenge! Challengers have 30 minutes to complete the meal, in order to get it for free & £100, otherwise you’re paying the £50 price tag. Our friend Katina Eats Kilos was the only winner in years! This Ireland food challenge is one of the few in the country, and definitely a rare Irish food item! How traditional are these Irish foods? Well, that is questionable lol but this is definitely a massive burger challenge, and a man versus food style food challenge! not to mention a practically unbeaten burger challenge! Can we win the cash prize and free meal or is it an impossible food challenge? tune in as we try this burger challenge, fried chicken challenge, hot dog challenge, fry challenge and lets just say its a crazy challenge lol. CLICK FOR FREE AWESOME CONTENT : Join my channel membership to get access to exclusive photos and early video releases:    / @joelhansen   FOLLOW ME:   / modelvsfood     / modelvsfood   BUY MERCH : https://www.JOELEATS.COM (Closing soon) MY WEBSITE & TRAVEL SCHEDULE: https://www.JOELEATS.COM SIGNED & PERSONALIZED PICTURES : Only $5 (usd) and include FREE shipping! Send your mailing address along with payment to ACCESS EXCLUSIVE CONTENT :   / modelvsfood   CLICK FOR FREE AWESOME CONTENT : SEND ME STUFF : Joel Hansen PO BOX 99900 UA 067 720 RPO DUNDURN HAMILTON ON L8P 0B5 CANADA FAQ: Joel wears a size Medium shirt Outro : Track: Culture Code - Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release] EAT THIS "FAT B@STARD" BURGER AND GET £100?! Crazy Irish Burger Challenge ALMOST UNDEFEATED “FAT B@$TURD” BURGER CHALLENGE (£100) £100 "FAT B@STARD" BURGER CHALLENGE (Almost Undefeated) | Crazy Irish Burger Challenge THIS 4,000,000 SCOVILLE SPICY NOODLE CHALLENGE HAS BEEN FAILED OVER 300 TIMES! This Funky Quadruple Burger Challenge Was Undefeated for 4 Years in San Diego, California!!
