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Bellroy Card Sleeve vs Herschel Charlie - Slim Wallet Review + GIVEAWAY!

As both an EDC person and a slim wallet guy, I'm always on the lookout for the best slim wallet and in this video, I compare the ultra slim wallet Bellroy Card Sleeve, my slim-wallet of 10+ years, the Herschel Charlie wallet, and my first slim wallet: the Herschel Raven with built-in money clip. I'm also giving away, not one, but two slim wallets in this video, so be sure to enter on time for your chance to win! =============== LINKS & TIMELINE =============== Some of the links below are affiliate links. For example, as an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you! ✅ LINKS for the Slim Wallets in this video: 🔗 Bellroy Card Sleeve on Amazon: 🔗 Herschel "Charlie" on Amazon: 0:00 - Intro 1:19 - My Wallet Requirements 1:40 - Herschel Raven Wallet 2:28 - My Wallet for Travel 3:26 - Herschel Charlie Wallet 4:21 - Bellroy Card Sleeve Unboxing 5:20 - Review - Bellroy Card Sleeve 7:08 - A Reminder 7:52 - Winner Draw for Lamy Safaris I believe that slim wallets are the best wallets because they eliminate annoying pocket-bulge, force us to be conscious about all the junk we might typically just shove in our wallets, and, even if you're the type of person who needs to carry tons of cards and cash, make a great primary holder for the very few most-commonly-used cards and a bit of cash. There are many slim wallet options, but in this video, I break down the few that I have real life experience using for extended periods of time. The Bellroy Card Sleeve is my newest slim wallet, and unboxing it in this video was just the start, as I really put it through its paces for more than 2 weeks before finishing off this video so I could give my honest real-life-use thoughts. The Herschel Charlie wallet has been my tried-tested-and-true workhorse slim wallet companion for over a decade, and it's something I can definitely put my name behind, in quality, functionality, aesthetics, and value. My very first slim-wallet was the Raven by Herschel Supply wallet, and is particularly awesome for folks who use cash since not only is it a super slim wallet that easily holds 7 or 8 cards, but also, has an integrated money-clip for cash bills. I've loved my slim wallets for over 15 years, and that's why, in this video, I'm also giving-away two of them - brand new, never unboxed, and rare since they've both been discontinued completely. I'd love to know your wallet of choice, whether it's a slim wallet or not, since as you know, I love all things EDC, and everyday carry items are ones that I always look to add to my collection as I continue this neverending journey of finding the best tools that I'll actually use, every single day. #SlimWallet #EDC #EverdayCarry Want to connect more? Instagram: @MauriceMoves   / mauricemoves   Let's Get It Together! DISCLAIMERS: Some of the links above have an affiliate code, if you purchase gear with these links I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This video was not paid for, in money or in kind, by outside persons or companies. This means that the content of this video and my opinions are 100% my own, and were not reviewed or paid for by any third party.
