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Скачать с ютуб Nikon Z DX 16-50mm kit lens - How good is it really on the Z50? в хорошем качестве

Nikon Z DX 16-50mm kit lens - How good is it really on the Z50? 5 лет назад

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Nikon Z DX 16-50mm kit lens - How good is it really on the Z50?

I take a look at the new Nikon Z mount 16-50mm kit lens designed for the Z50 to find out does it really make a decent companion to the excellent Z50. If you are interested in purchasing any of the gear shown in this video please seebelow my affiliate links to Amazon. Nikon Z50 body + FTZ adaptor + lens: Z50 body: Z DX 16-50mm lens: Nikon Z6 body:
