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Anatomy of a Full Bust Adjustment | Vintage on Tap

This video teaches you HOW a full bust adjustment works, along with showing you the basics on how to complete one! Learn why the adjustment works the way it does, so you are able to replicate the adjustments on your home sewn garments. In this video we also discuss the three lines that are needed for the adjustment, including: ✨Line One: The line bisecting the bust dart, allowing it to create a larger dart. ✨Line Two: The line from hem to bust point, allowing the pattern piece to spread to add additional bust width. ✨Line Three: The line that goes straight to the armpit, allowing there to be additional space next to the bust. I walk you through how each of these lines work, so that you can work through them at home! For more information about these instructions, be sure to check out my blog post about this video: -- ✨Follow Me on All The Places (And All the Stuff!)✨ Website: Instagram:   / vintageontap   Newsletter: Subscribe!: 👚 The blouse I'm wearing is the Gertie Rita peasant top! This pattern is available for purchase on Gertie's website. ✨ Like what you see? Consider becoming a patron on Patreon!   / vintageontap   👗 New to sewing? Check out the START HERE page! ✨About✨ Vintage on Tap is a YouTube channel dedicated to inspiring you to sew your own handmade clothing. Videos focus on discussions about sewing self esteem as well as the technical aspects of making handmade clothes fit your body, specializing in vintage and pinup sewing. ✨Work With Us!✨ Collaborations, partnerships, and business requests can be sent to [email protected]
