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Скачать с ютуб M3 MacBook Air 15" Midnight UNBOXING & First Look! (The Perfect Laptop?) в хорошем качестве

M3 MacBook Air 15" Midnight UNBOXING & First Look! (The Perfect Laptop?) 9 месяцев назад

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M3 MacBook Air 15" Midnight UNBOXING & First Look! (The Perfect Laptop?)

In this video, I unbox the M3 MacBook Air in the midnight colorway. Unboxing this MacBook makes me wonder if this is the perfect laptop to get nowadays 🥰Help VICTOR DIA Reach 15K Subscribers: Follow me on Twitch so you can interact with me there!   / donfreeky   INSTAGRAM: / victordiaofficial TIKTOK: / victordia_ 📧 Email for Business: [email protected] Twitter | / victorl57991811 Instagram | / victordiaofficial TikTok | / victordia_ Links found in the description are affiliate links. I will earn a small commission if you purchase directly through the links. It really helps out the channel, thank you.
