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Скачать с ютуб 🎄Cozy Holiday Fireplace with The Pear Tree - Festive Tunes on Fiddle & Harp в хорошем качестве

🎄Cozy Holiday Fireplace with The Pear Tree - Festive Tunes on Fiddle & Harp 16 часов назад

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🎄Cozy Holiday Fireplace with The Pear Tree - Festive Tunes on Fiddle & Harp

Enjoy this cozy fireplace over the holidays while listening to The Pear Tree! 🎄🎄🎄 The Pear Tree is available here: Adrianna Ciccone - Fiddle Ellen Gibling - Harp The album was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Graeme Campbell, and made possible through the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and Music Nova Scotia. #fiddle #harp #fireplace #christmas #holiday #ambience
