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McLaren Solus Naturally Aspirated V10 Hypercar Revealed 2 года назад

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McLaren Solus Naturally Aspirated V10 Hypercar Revealed

McLaren Automotive today reveals the McLaren Solus GT, the stunning realisation of a concept car from the screens of virtual racing into an extreme expression of track driving engagement that will exhilarate in the real world. A special commission for just 25 customers – with all cars already sold – the single-seat, closed-cockpit track car was unveiled during Monterey Car Week in California by Michael Leiters, McLaren Automotive Chief Executive Officer. At less than 2,205 pounds in weight and with aerodynamic performance including downforce in excess of 2,646 pounds, the Solus GT – which is powered by a Judd-sourced 5.2-liter naturally aspirated V10 engine that makes 829 horsepower and 479 pound-feet of torque. It revs to 10,000 r p m, and the powerplant is a structural element of the chassis. McLaren is targeting the vehicle to reach 62 miles per hour in 2.5 seconds and have a top speed of over 200 mph. The model uses a seven-speed sequential gearbox with a casing that mixes aluminum and magnesium panels. The rear suspension mounts to the transmission. #McLaren Get More Great Car Videos - Subscribe:
