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North Carolina RB Omarion Hampton Midseason Highlights | 2024 ACC Football

Midway through the season, running back Omarion Hampton has been the most prolific runner in the ACC. Rushing 5.8 yards for an ACC-leading 901 yards with seven touchdowns. Coming out of the backfield, Hampton has also caught 20 passes for 135 yards.  SUBSCRIBE: The ACC Digital Network (theACCDN) is a project of Raycom Sports, a long-time television producer and partner of the Atlantic Coast Conference. The cross-platform digital video network covers the spectrum of one of the nation’s top intercollegiate athletic conferences, featuring original on-demand content throughout the entire year. All ACCDN videos are viewable on, the ACC mobile and tablet app, as well as various streaming and connected mobile and TV devices. For more information, visit and follow @theACCDN on Twitter, and Instagram. Connect with the ACCDigitalNetwork Online: Visit the ACC WEBSITE: Visit the ACC Facebook:   / theacc   Follow the ACCDN on Twitter:   / theaccdn   Follow the ACCDN on Instagram:   / theaccdn      / accdigitalnetwork  
